COVID Words - Fire


A conversation with Prosperos Dean Al Haferkamp and William Fennie

Recorded August 25, 2020

This brief conversation continues our project to use words to excavate new understanding from the unprecedented challenge that is COVID-19

This chat examines the experience of fire in both an inner and an outer sense. It was recorded several weeks before the catastrophic fires which have devastated Oregon over the past 10 days, and it includes references to significant astrological transits that were first hinted at by our Moonwobble update on August 18, specifically, Mars in Aries squaring Saturn in Capricorn. Along the way we pay a nostalgic visit to the cinematic equivalent of a wooly mammoth: Quest for Fire (1981).

COVID Words - Fatigue


A conversation with Prosperos Dean Al Haferkamp and William Fennie

Recorded August 13, 2020

This brief conversation continues our project to use words to excavate new understanding from the unprecedented challenge that is COVID-19

This chat examines the experience of fatigue, how that relates to various levels of energy and perceptions of energy, and the possibility of finding a source of renewal in compassion.

Conversations with Calvin: Sue Beck

A Sunday Meeting presentation with Calvin Harris, H.W., M.

In this talk, Calvin invites you to share in an in-depth conversation with Dr. Sue Beck, a Prosperos Mentor whose careers span military service, psychotherapeutic practice, and active involvement in Buddhist and Christian religious life.

This conversation took place on August 30, 2020, and runs about 58 minutes. Rick Thomas does the introduction.

The closing song, “I Am Light” is performed by India.Arie in a video available on YouTube.

COVID Words - Place


A conversation with Prosperos Dean Al Haferkamp and William Fennie

Recorded August 10, 2020, Part 1

This brief conversation continues our project to help shift awareness of what’s going on during the unprecedented challenge that is COVID-19

This chat expands the exploration of home with the word place and what is needed to experience place as secure, safe, and redolent with confidence. It addresses displacement, finding one’s place, and knowing one’s place in the most essential sense.

COVID Words - Home


A conversation with Prosperos Dean Al Haferkamp and William Fennie

Recorded August 6, 2020

This brief conversation continues our project to help shift awareness of what’s going on during the unprecedented challenge that is COVID-19

This chat explores the word home and everything we experience as our original “place” where nothing is required of us.

COVID Words - Energy


A conversation with Prosperos Dean Al Haferkamp and William Fennie

Recorded July 31, 2020

This brief conversation continues our project to help shift awareness of what’s going on during the unprecedented challenge that is COVID-19

This chat explores the word energy to look at how it relates to where your attention is placed - perhaps habitually.

COVID Words - Spirit


A conversation with Prosperos Dean Al Haferkamp and William Fennie

Recorded July 16, 2020

This brief conversation continues our project to help shift awareness of what’s going on during the unprecedented challenge that is COVID-19

This chat begins an exploration of the word spirit to work through the purported separation of spirit from body, mind - and everything else. It’s a big subject, so this is part one.

COVID Words - Divisiveness


A conversation with Prosperos Dean Al Haferkamp and William Fennie

Recorded July 16, 2020

This brief conversation continues our project to help shift awareness of what’s going on during the unprecedented challenge that is COVID-19

This chat explores the word divisiveness to explore the meaning of collectives and the reality of individual value.

With a glance at the 1958 Rosalind Russell vehicle, Auntie Mame

COVID Words - Breath


A conversation with Prosperos Dean Al Haferkamp and William Fennie

Recorded July 9, 2020

This brief conversation continues our project to help shift awareness of what’s going on during the unprecedented challenge that is COVID-19

This chat explores the word breath to get to an understanding of how we can participate in the evolution of consciousness.

COVID Words - Corruption


A conversation with Prosperos Dean Al Haferkamp and William Fennie

Recorded June 29, 2020

This brief conversation continues our project to help shift awareness of what’s going on during the unprecedented challenge that is COVID-19

This chat explores aspects of corruption to get behind its obvious implications to a glimpse of “the incorruptible”.

Thane - Independence from What ?

From the archive, an Independence Day message from the Founder of The Prosperos.

Introduced by Heather Williams

Recorded July 5, 1981
Approximately 44:00 minutes

Thane explores the philosophical / religious underpinnings of the American revolution and the founders and identifies challenges of his day - the opening year of the Reagan administration - with insights that resonate in our own time.

The Mysterious Journey of Waking Up, Lesson Seven

A Sunday Meeting presentation with Heather Williams, H.W., M. Heather is a long-time Prosperos student and accomplished artist and instructor.

In this talk she continues her exploration of the Mysterious Journey of Waking Up. She has been giving these talks for several years now, sharing what she has learned through PRACTICE of Self Development Tools she learned in The Prosperos classes Translation and Releasing the Hidden Splendour.

This talk was given on June 14, 2020, and runs about 37 minutes.

Introduction to Return to Paradise

Sunday Meeting presentation with Richard Hartnett, H.W., M. Richard is a long-time student of The Prosperos and has explored a wide variety of spiritual and esoteric traditions.

In this presentation he begins an exploration of the many ways in which we have looked at “the devil” over the years.

This talk runs about 38 minutes.

COVID Words - Liberty & Freedom


A conversation with Prosperos Dean Al Haferkamp and William Fennie

June 20, 2020

This brief conversation continues our project to help shift awareness of what’s going on during the unprecedented challenge that is COVID-19

This chat explores concepts and feelings about liberty and freedom.

NB: Our use of the word “men” and “Man” in this conversation is intended to include the entire spectrum of individuals alive today.