COVID Words - Attention


A conversation with Prosperos Dean Al Haferkamp and William Fennie

June 4, 2020

This brief conversation includes a reference to the excellent “Dithering” podcast of Ben Thompson and John Gruber (behind a paywall, unfortunately). The video cycle-ride through Philadelphia can be found on YouTube.

This chat explores concepts and feelings around the word attention.

COVID Words - Stress, Constriction, Isolation - and Translation


Part 2

A conversation with Prosperos Dean Al Haferkamp and William Fennie

June 1, 2020

This brief conversation follows up on the last episode with a look at The Prosperos’ technique Translation - Straight thinking in the abstract.

This chat explores concepts and feelings around the words stress, constriction, isolation.

COVID Words - Stress, Constriction, Isolation


Part 1

A conversation with Prosperos Dean Al Haferkamp and William Fennie

June 1, 2020

This brief conversation is one of several that we have planned to help shift awareness of what’s going on during the unprecedented challenge that is COVID-19

This chat explores concepts and feelings around the words stress, constriction, isolation.

Introducing The Prosperos Podcast

Welcome to The Prosperos Podcast !

Al Haferkamp and William Fennie introduce The Prosperos Podcast, featuring conversations between Mentors and other audio meditations on the nature of Being.

Listen to this podcast anywhere by inserting the following URL into your preferred podcast player*

*We recommend Overcast on iOS; see Podcast Insights’ resume of podcast listening options